IST/RADAR MANDALIKA Zulkifleimansyah

LOMBOK – The World Superbike Championship (WSBK) will be postponed at the Mandalika Circuit. The 12-14 November 2021 should have been pushed back a week to 19-21 November 2021. However, PT.Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) actually benefits from this news.
The reason is, there will be an additional event that will be held at the Mandalika Circuit due to this delay.
“The news is valid because it is from MGPA and Dorna. One of them, the final round of the Asia Talent Cup will be made a week before WSBK. No, I’m actually happy to get an additional Asian Talent Cup event,” said ITDC VP Corporate Secretary, I Made Agus Dwiatmika, confirmed by Radar Mandalika, last Saturday.

Meanwhile, the Governor of NTB, Zulkieflimansyah, is optimistic that the provincial government’s preparations for the success of the final series of the world championship season have been completed.
The governor and the Regional Secretary, Lalu Gita Ariadi attended the Coordination Meeting for the Preparation of the World Superbike at the Mandalika SEZ with the Deputy for Coordination of Regional Development and Spatial Planning, the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Wahyu Utomo last Saturday in Mandalika. At the coordination meeting, each explained their respective authorities and responsibilities as a report material to the President.

Previously, WSBK, which was planned to be held on November 12-14, 2021, was postponed by a week, where according to the Mandalika Grand Prix Association (MGPA) as the organizer in his statement, he stated that one of the reasons for the postponement of the WSBK racing event in Mandalika from the initial date was due to considerationslogistics and freight forwarding.

“In addition, this race has been postponed not only due to technical factors, but also so that the implementation does not coincide with the MotoGP final which took place in Valencia,” he said

Although the 2022 MotoGP calendar has not yet been released by Dorna Sports, the Mandalika Circuit has already received a slot to host the MotoGP pre-season test on February 11-13, one week after the first pre-season test in Sepang, Malaysia.

This condition allows other preparations such as pre- and post-event audience movement scenarios, accommodation distribution maps and health protocols to ensure that everything goes according to plan.

Meanwhile, it is also certain that the refreshment involves the audience.For this reason, the 70 percent vaccination requirements and traffic management scenarios, entrances, transportation services and pandemic handling procedures have begun to be discussed in addition to infrastructure preparation that supports the presence of spectators in the world racing event.

“The central government wants the WSBK event to involve spectators even though MGPA will still hold it even without spectators,” said Deputy of the Coordinating Ministry for Economics, Wahyu Utomo in his official release.

He explained, the multi effect of the presence of spectators at the circuit was an opportunity for NTB to get income in addition to the hefty fine imposed by the MotoGP association for local organizers, in this case the MGPA, if it was held without spectators. he also asked for the vaccination achievements and the audience handling scenario to be finalized.

ITDC Project Manager Ari Ardiansyah explained that the capacity of the Mandalika circuit to accommodate spectators was divided into 50,000 in the grand stand (festival) area at several points on the edge of the track, 7,700 hospitality suite seats and 138,000 non-seating seats for the total circuit capacityMandalika 195,700 spectators.

The MotoGP racer team itself consisting of racers, mechanics, crew and media totals 1,200 people with a bubble travel scenario that minimize.(ren)

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